Friday, February 23

of mice and men

scene : byres road, circa 5pm...
enter jonny and naomi round the corner of morton's...

jonny: "hello, carol! we just bought rats! "

me: "i just bought brown boots! *shows them my bag* this is my 5th pair of brown boots and i was like, 'when am i ever gonna stop buying brown boots? and i'm like, never!'... why'd u buy rats?"

naomi: "it's for rachel farr. "

(jonny gets a phone call.)

me: "oh yea, it's her birthday. *looks at the cage* where are the rats? "

naomi : "in the little box. i don't think it's a good idea, personally. "

me: "oh no! it's quite a craze nowadays! my friend got two rats, then beth's flat got rats and now here! "

naomi:" beth's got rats? "

me:" yeah! "

naomi: "so if rachel isn't up for the rats, we could give it to beth? "

me: "yeah! ohh, plenty of my friends would love rats! "

(jonny puts down the phone at this point.)

jonny: "mice, carol, *shoots evil look at me* not rats. "

me: "well, lots of my friends would love mice slash rats. or or OR.... if noone wants it them, u can give them to MEEE and i'll dissect out their bone marrow and get their dendritic cells.. *makes continuous crushing motion with hand* and test them of course! "

jonny shoots me a dirty glance and walks off.

Wednesday, February 21

laughter is the best medicine

it's good to hear our NHS spending is going into the quintessential issues of life...

Research BMJ 2006;333:1291-1293 (23 December)

Phenotypic differences between male physicians, surgeons, and film stars: comparative study

male surgeon. male physician. actor playing a doctor(control).

Objectives To test the hypothesis that, on average, male surgeons are taller and better looking than male physicians, and to compare both sets of doctors with film stars who play doctors on screen.

Design Comparative study.

Setting Typical university hospital in Spain, located in Barcelona and not in a sleepy backwater.

Participants Random sample of 12 surgeons and 12 physicians plus 4 external controls (film stars who play doctors), matched by age (50s) and sex (all male).

Interventions An independent committee (all female) evaluated the "good looking score" (range 1-7).

Results Surgeons were significantly taller than physicians (mean height 179.4 v 172.6 cm; P=0.01). Controls had significantly higher good looking scores than surgeons (mean score 5.96 v 4.39; difference between means 1.57, 95% confidence interval 0.69 to 2.45; P=0.013) and physicians (5.96 v 3.65; 2.31, 1.58 to 3.04; P=0.003). Surgeons had significantly higher good looking scores than physicians (4.39 v 3.65; 0.74; 0.25 to 1.23; P=0.010).

Conclusions Male surgeons are taller and better looking than physicians, but film stars who play doctors on screen are better looking than both these groups of doctors. Whether these phenotypic differences are genetic or environmental is unclear."

read full trial here

Thursday, February 15

Saturday, February 3


my guitar string broke,

but then… a revelation, like the light around…: I long to be where the praise is never ending!!!

for this must be a taste of what heaven will be like! for you are a loving Father, and how often we human beings forget that! caught up in our own little worlds of darkness and dirty rags… but Father! this is what You must have meant when You provide us with the tools for us to come closer to You! and in YOUR PERFECT AND HOLY PLAN. which is good and PLEASING! OH MY WORD… PLEASING! for how often do we want to tally longer in a place as beautiful as THIS!!! I don’t ever want to leave this place, this stand, this status! but the fact is…I WAS NEVER ANYWHERE ELSE, I was just blinded by my own hands!


muacks! thank you Daddy!

Thursday, February 1

enter the playas.

so @#$%!@#$^@#$&#$% STRESSSEEEDDDD from doing stupid ELISAs and reading a friggin average of 10 journals a week for immunology seminars. and fecking stats exam on tuesday and bloody answer for stupid journal club to the question proposed by the cancer-module-coordinator, prof. macMURDERER : 'what other proto-oncogenes are upregulated by inflammation?' damnnnn u intercalated Bsc degree... *evil look* i curse u with a bolus of tPA to dissolve your clots and make u die in a pool of your blood coming out of your every orifice..

and hence i have sent my dear richard to fetch me a solution of diazepam from the cardiac department at the royal.. (i'm kidding, i'd never abuse medicine like that, really....i would never steal from the NHS... ... honest!)

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oh... what i wouldn't give for a night out at the crib soon with ma boys... check em out here in class, all wrecked from a night of pimping... keep it up boyysss! ;)