soo. i have decided to take a break and present some findings from the nerd world applicable to the real world...
There is no such thing as the perfect textbook
there is no such thing as the perfect textbook. i mean, personally, Janeway(see above) is the man for me, but Janeway tends to have information on the same subject everywhere (eg. information on T cell receptors (TCR) can be found on pages 116-117, 128, 193 and 149-154.), his diagrams have the utter worst colour combinations (primary colours don't go) and he is a bit outdated.. (who doesn't know that there are 3 different types of Tregs and that Tr1 and Th3 are kinda obsolete?).
Similarly, there is no such thing as the perfect relationship, perfect person or perfect friend. But, like Janeway, there are just somethings in your life, that if you remove, it'd be analogous to cutting your right arm off. My Janeway is smothered in pencil marks, hi-lights, coffee / green tea stains and has earned the dog-ears of a well-read textbook. I know Janeway for all his inadequacies and strengths (which far outweigh the former), and if i one day woke up to see him gone, i'd be devastated.
There is such a thing as the perfect book
However, there is also such a thing as the perfect book. My bible, like janeway, has been with me forever and i've laboured into its pages for years and years. One thing different is that the bible, unlike other texts, is ALIVE. i mean it. While i am never faithful to any one book at a time (like a TCR, i am promiscuous) and tend to have 4 books at a go at the same time (hey, what can i say? I have many different needs), I find that the bible is the only one that has life-giving properties. Don't ask me to explain this in any other way, but it's supernatural. And the fact that it is written over a period of about 4000 years by multiple authors and that they all agree on the same thing is just utterly mind-blowing.
We need to go deeper
On the surface, Janeway looks incredibly daunting and reading one bit on its own can be totally taken out of context. However, persistence and perseverance has paved the way to understanding... Similarly, Romans 15:13 - we will only have joy if we know Him and we will only know him if we study about Him...
In conclusion, i'd just like to say that nerds can still have a life outside of their books... and the delving into specifics can open a world of knowledge that is broadly universal. %)