Sunday, July 29


but then there was a redemption that came upon the ones who dwelt in the land. the ones who had the faith to just walk across the room.

yes... yes.. peripattikos.. God, You are so funny... haaa.

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leave my thoughts on the surface... the surface... *breathe* the surface...*breathe* the surface.. the surface...breathe, carol... just breathe...

how am i supposed to just b e s t i l l ?

Friday, July 27

dreams of a fish out of water

i don't expect anyone to understand me... it's a sina qui non of being me, of doing the things i do, of doing the things that i have to do.

i had three dreams and i woke up with the aftertaste of depression."You can't always get what you want."


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"a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes..."

Sunday, July 1

back to basics

poker loveee
carol the peripatetic has been reincarnated as a panda. she has also come to the sad realisation that the past year has more than blunted her social acumen. a certain barber is missing in action and cashflow problems has plagued more than one of carol's buddies. fortunately, there is a certain hope in the form of cottontails and ironically, post-modernism.

the blue dog

the first principles. mmmm.
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lve in the frm of fltmtes

meanwhile, carol is loving the prospect of having the resources to do as she pleases, within reasonable boundaries. she is also relishing the fact that she is slowly being edited, so to speak. she is, however, not enjoying the process of passing it in pain.

deny deny deny and 1 day, it will actually get easier....