Sunday, March 30

reaping and sewing

so after a long spate of much eating out and staying in, i've decided to take it a note lower to eating in and staying in for this stretch... other than giving me time to reflect on how i shouldthe task at hand...

cranberry and mascarpone sponge cake. lemon drizzle cake.

endeavour to be more of a domestic goddess, it's also given me time to enjoy the company of close friends huddled in my tropically-temperatured living room watching the weird and wonderful films available on dvd....

meanwhile, we've learnt (the funny way) that english-dubbed cantonese films just does nae work....

priceless lines from Hardboiled:

  1. " There's no need to kill my men, Jonny!"
    Alan: "He's right, Johnny, no need to waste bullets on shit."
  2. "You saved the day, piss-pot!"
  3. "Give the guy a gun and he's superman, give him two and he's god."

meanwhile, everyone in need of some good eye candy should click overrr here. i've been at it all night... ;p

Monday, March 24


oh goodness meee... i'm having a craving for salt beeeefff bageelllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

aye, that's right... where be the fantastic saltiness of bagels in wee Glasgaeee?

anyhoowww, i have decided to take up a newww hobby!!!image from

yipppppp yippp yippp!! i shall hone maaa domestikal skills... friends, be warned. the plague of the plush dolls might be upon u yet....

meanwhile, carol is in dire need of a weekend trip.. any takers??

Thursday, March 13

a sign of the times

We lead such degenerate, devolving lives and yet we look to blame someone other than ourselves. God came to give us His Love and Life and His book. "Here is a guide to good living. Here is a place where you can find me and my people. Here is a person to come in times of your troubles, Here is a place to belong." and yet we relentlessly reject Him... We really only have ourselves to blame.

Monday, March 10


O love that will not let me go.. Who's the lucky guy? Lucky? I don't know... The weather this week is going to be horrid. There's something very sobering about going into a big supermarket... I seldom, if not never, ever watch the news or read the newspapers. They are very full of themselves, aren't they? I love you very much. I hope you are watching... Well, it sounds crap so I think you should just stay out and get a drinkk.... makes us forgetful of truth. Surrounded by sceptics. You just need to have an aim in life. None of your beeswax. Your story just keeps getting better and better... There will be no new revelation until you go there. Mei Ling, I know you...

It's uncanny how people can surprise you. It's so beguiling of life to be so much scarier and sublime than fiction. Beguiling, but also surreal... Beguilingly surreal: sin is always more insidious than humans imagine, true love forces us to muster up more so much more courage and strength than we naturally possess and grown men still fight battles that bring them to their knees. yes, life... ... is more unbelievable than fantasy.