Sunday, October 30
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10:02 PM
Posted by
7:07 PM
Wednesday, October 26
exam in 12 hours time... last 3 chapters of Moore and Dalley (pg 832-1109) in the last 13 hours... 4 brain lobes, 2 hemispheres, 6 extraocular muscles, 2 synovial cavities in the TMJ, 12 cranial nerves, 4 muscles of mastication, 53 facial muscles, 6 branches of the facial nerve, 2 heads of the SCM, 1st 3 branches of the subclavian, 7 cervical vertebrae, 3 sympathetic cervical ganglia, 1 brachial plexus, 10 branches of the opthalmic artery, 15 branches of the maxillary artery, 8 branches of the external carotid, 4 suprahyoid muscles, 4 infrahyoid muscles, 2 bellies of the digastric, 4 extrinsic tongue muscles...........
freshies.strawberry and banana smoothie.scotch broth.kenneth.lunch.
Posted by
10:39 PM
Monday, October 24
the cranial fossae.....
i know i've studied too much and too long when i'm mixing up medial and lateral, coronal and sagittal, when i've left the heater on for the past hour, when i can hear my TMJ creak, when shifting my eyeball in its orbit hurts and when everything i've studied for the past 5 hours seems like a big fuzzy mess... test in 48+12 hours time... halp... think after these next 60 hours of non-stop mugging, sleeping and eating, i'm going to collapse into the arms of my boyfriend, who's going to have to resuscitate me with cpr... (yes, my boyfriend who thinks the brain is the size of a fist... ) meanwhile, elsewhere in the world, there's been a series of blasts in baghdad AGAIN. you know there's something wrong in mann when you read : "The insurgents are well aware that, with so many bombs every day, it takes something spectacular to gain the attention of the international media.... " - BBC.
my brain is totally saturated.. and it's only been the first 5 hours of mugging... (horror creeps in) great... on the bright side, i've finally got a new vodafone line! woo hoo! finally can do away with that brick of a lg8120, which sucks to the max, and not have to stand the lousy reception that is from three network.. arghs.. good riddance to that dreadful combination... also, i'll be getting to see my boyfriend in about.... 70 hours time! yipppeeee!!! and i'll get to eat krispy kremes approximately 2 seconds after that, right baby??? arghs.. tired-post-bedtime-carol is kicking in... *yawns* zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Posted by
10:31 PM
Thursday, October 20
something new PLEASE
honestly.... i've never been rubbed the wrong way in conversations the way they always seem to manage to do to me.. what a bloody waste of my time and my energy holding a conversation with these clowns... you guys are bloody 21 year olds, get a grip. GET A BLOODY GRIP OF YOURSELVES. if only humans could close their ears.
everything man touches he ruins... but Jesus heals. everything He touches is made abundant, made good...
need a breath of fresh air in terms of conversation... and lunch-mates.....
anyhow, one of the nightmares was that i was back in singapore and i was meant to go meet my boyfriend and some girlfriends... so i got up out of bed and looked into the mirror and my hair was MEGA-PUFFY. like seriously big.. like 5 inches off the top of my head, and frizzy at the ends.. i freAked! i was mortified... like the worst bad-hair day ever.. so i couldn't go meet aaron cos i didn't want him to see me looking like that... it's dumb, but it was really scary in the dream.. which is why i'm now using SUPER SLEEK SHAMPOO AND CONDITIONER!
gave a call to a devil in front of a computer and had an awkward chat... too much left unsaid, too much that has happened since. i am glad and thankful in so many ways for the unfamiliarity... ... or am i just being proud?
Posted by
1:10 PM
Tuesday, October 18
there she goes
omg!!! i made five spice chicken(wu xiang ji) for the first time ever, without a recipe, without a teacher, from scratch! and it tastes soooooo goood! WOW! mmmmmm..... mom and dad, you'll be so proud..
so it's official, i'm now of marriageable material.. yes, chinese men looking for future wives and a singaporean passport, you may send in your marriage proposals now...
meanwhile, i've been having conversations of the silliest degree:
me: yeah.. and the brain is beautiful, yada yadda yadda...
aaron: so it's supposed to be as big as the fist right?
me ....(incredulous)
aaron: oh wait, that's the heart...
weiyao: so i'm going to put a bid for the flat this thursday. i don't know how i'm going to do it, but i'm somehow going to tell the lady that i like her...
me: right, so i shouldn't be there right?
weiyao: yeah, you'll just spoil my mood..
kenneth: eh carol, what have you been telling the juniors about me huh?
me: why? what did they say to you?
kenneth: they're coming over later and they think my flat is going to be really neat and clean and that i am going to prepare wonderful food for them to eat.
me: WHAT? i don't remember telling them any of that.. i would NEVER praise you, kenneth.. i had probably said, ' kenneth is such a neat-freak, it's mad and obsessive and he's forced his poor flatmates into having to clean the kitchen and toilets...'
wise words from weiyao:
when women grow older, they appreciate men with character more, but when men grow older, they're still the SAMEEEE!
quotable quote of the week:
dr marshall, (while dissecting the brain, was pushing away the optic chaisma to reveal the trigeminal nerve): this optic chiasma is getting on my nerves...
and the usuals:
(at the bottom of kenneth's flat, while i'm buzzing for him to let me in)
kenneth: who's this?
me: MEeeee... carol
kenneth: ARGHHHH....
me: let me in!
kenneth: nO!
me: let me IN!!!
kenneth: what's the password?
me: arghs... kenneth is the best...
ahhh these men...
meanwhile, i'm getting cravings again... for theseeeeeeeeeeEEEEEE...
even though i've never tasted and never touched..... (despair) think it's a case of when the fantasy will always be so tantalising and perfect that everything else will seem to fall short of's over-rated, some say... it's too sweet!.. others comment... but i, alas i, will never know... until my fantasy becomes reality (**hint hint)
so all yee chinese men out there, the way to carol's heart is through her krispykreme-shaped void...
meanwhile, glasgow is looking sooo very pwetty! autumn is here, and photos will follow shortly!
Posted by
6:04 PM
Thursday, October 13
london (baby) and life after II
anyway, london was ammmmaaaaazzziiiiiiinnng as usual, but i think i should hold back on the photos cos i've noticed some of my photos aren't loading.. hmmm. maybe i'll shrink em down to size a little...
things i did in london!!

my poor baby wAS sick, so we couldn't make it to lots of other places, and had to have quite a few early evenings, but it doesn't matter cos everytime's a blast with my pancake anyways...
no idea why my photos aren't posting so i'll try to cut em down... anyone have any clues???
anyhow, been uber busy these few days... this blog was written over 3 days!!! been dissecting, going for MASSIVE dinners, getting my computer fixed (by 2 techno-savvy guys, on 2 seperate occasisons, one of which was over a phonecall from london), having dinners with my best pals in glasgow and getting guitar lessons from kenny over banana and strawberry smoothies!!! mmmmmm...meanwhile, here's what else's coming up on my itinery for this week :
11-1 class
515-630 glasgow uni malaysian society meeting - i'm signing up cos they're giving 10% off the chinese supermarket!
630 - flat-viewing with weiyao - i'm thinking of moving into a sweet new modern apartment with private carpark, elevator, desinger kitchen, mixer taps (a rarity) and CENTRAL HEATING!
730 - cell group dinner
do my anatomy coursework in the afternoon
nora's coming over for a sleepover..
9am jog with kammy++
12 mass with yujing
130 chinese church
330 worship meeting
yup yup.. i'll be a pretty busy girl and since my boyfriend is too busy for me too, i'll just have to keep him updated THRU THIS BLOG SINCE WE HARDLY GET THE TIME TO TALK NOWADAYS!!!!!!! (**hint hint)
anyhows, guitar lessons with kenneth today was uber fun as well! i love kenny boy.. he's my favourite guy friend just now, but don't tell him i told you that - we thrive on a mutual-take-the-piss-out-of-each-other-relationship. but i love him and he knows that... heee.. i so hope he doesn't somehow stumble on this blog or i will have nowhere to hide my face... readers, please don't tell him... please?... oh oh oh! and pui ee, my missing flatmate got a piano delivered yesterday!! so this means i have a guitar and a piano in my flat right now!!! aww, aren't i so blessed?? now i can make music alll day long! heee.. which explains why my left fingers are totally roughed and desensitised and my palmar veins are much more visible... heee..
and yes, i am being a medical student in the midst of this all... captain weetos is coming on to me....even my dissection group realises he loves to put his hands on me... u may think that sounds unacceptable.. but that's not all.. it's compounded by the fact that he's got HUMAN FLESH AND JUICES ON HIS HANDS cos he dissects people for a living!!!!!! @#$^%#$@#& but, juicy hands aside, he's ace and i love him and if i were to do an intercalated degree in anatomy, i'll want him to be my mentor!!!!
okok, enough of my silly ramblings.. i should get back to (drumroll)........ the cranial nerves and the blood supply of the brain...
Posted by
10:50 PM
Wednesday, October 5
is this really me???
it's all in the kiss.
You scored 33.3% Earth
You are incredibly sensual, you love beauty and luxury and you expect your lover to treat you like royalty, a compliment that you will gladly return. You need commitment and loyalty in a relationship; as long as your partner gives you no reason to be jealous, you're as sweet and happy as can be. You're not against short-and-sweet affairs, but you're really looking for something more long-term and durable.
You scored 25% Air
Someone has to match you on an intellectual level if they expect to stimulate your more carnal desires. You're not opposed to long-term relationships and commitment, but sometimes you lose interest in a relationship more quickly than you'd like to admit.
Posted by
1:59 PM
Tuesday, October 4
books books books
omg... i am so bored of studying..... someone help me!!! and my room is getting sooo sooo cold!!! hmmm... i wonder what the weather in london will be like when i go down.. oh yes! i'm going down to london on thursday for a LONG (but undeserved) weekend! oooh.. weather looks promising!!!
PLUS i'm going to be playing mahjong tonight (an unprecedented event in glasgow!!!!) so WHY CAN'T I CONCENTRATE on my books??? arghs..
maybe taking photos would help.... i daren't go onto msn, lest its clingy paws ensnare and entangle me... oh sigh... oh... here's something the non-medics would appreciate : acronym rhymey thinggy that we use to remember the branches of the external carotid artery:
As (ascending pharyngeal)
She (superior thyroid)
Lay (lingual)
Flat (facial)
Oscar's (occipital)
Penis (posterior auricular)
Spurted (superior temporal)
Madly (maxillary)
okok... enough of bad medical jokes and the like.... time to get down to serious memorising.... *shuddeR**
Posted by
3:48 PM
God was in the gentle whisper
Isaiah 35
Joy of the Redeemed
1 The desert and the parched land will be glad;
the wilderness will rejoice and blossom.
Like the crocus, 2 it will burst into bloom;
it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy.
The glory of Lebanon will be given to it,
the splendor of Carmel and Sharon;
they will see the glory of the LORD,
the splendor of our God.
3 Strengthen the feeble hands,
steady the knees that give way;
4 say to those with fearful hearts,
"Be strong, do not fear;
your God will come,
he will come with vengeance;
with divine retribution
he will come to save you."
5 Then will the eyes of the blind be opened
and the ears of the deaf unstopped.
6 Then will the lame leap like a deer,
and the mute tongue shout for joy.
Water will gush forth in the wilderness
and streams in the desert.
7 The burning sand will become a pool,
the thirsty ground bubbling springs.
In the haunts where jackals once lay,
grass and reeds and papyrus will grow.
8 And a highway will be there;
it will be called the Way of Holiness.
The unclean will not journey on it;
it will be for those who walk in that Way;
wicked fools will not go about on it. [a]
9 No lion will be there,
nor will any ferocious beast get up on it;
they will not be found there.
But only the redeemed will walk there,
10 and the ransomed of the LORD will return.
They will enter Zion with singing;
everlasting joy will crown their heads.
Gladness and joy will overtake them,
and sorrow and sighing will flee away.
Revelation 21
The New Jerusalem
1Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. 2I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. 3And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. 4He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."
Posted by
9:44 AM
Monday, October 3
needs doing
look at all the lonely people, look at how they sigh. look at how they laugh, look at how they have pleasure, but no joy, how they have laughter, but no eternal comfort... how they have friends they don't trust, partners they don't love, jobs they don't belong to, lives they'd rather not lead... look at all these people... look at how they lead their lives aimlessly, half-heartedly, look at how they die more and more each day as their livelihood drains their life... look at how they look with envy, with jealousy, with malice, with contempt, with sadness, with defeat, with souls crushed, hearts broken, dreams shattered, relationships asunder... look at all these people.. God says, 'look all at my children, look at how lonely they are.. look at how they don't know Me... look at them... how can you let them carry on in that state... this is not the Life i want them to lead..'
Life, and Life more abundantly.... There is no true joy apart from God... the devil has not attacked lazy christians for ages... as long as they keep the good news to themselves... this is a matter of life and death.
"Come, come," He calls you, "O soul oppressed and weary,
Come to the shadows of My desert rest;
Come walk with Me far from life's noisy discords,
And peace will breathe like music in your breast."
-alone with God. from The Still Hour
as i walked along the path, i saw a man looking longingly at the streams of the river... what he wished for, i do not know.. but i saw his eyes, and there was no hope left in them..
"The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few." - Matt 9:37
"What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the housetops." - Matt 10:27
"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on a stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house....let your light shine amoung men." - Matt 5:14-16
Posted by
8:59 PM