Tuesday, October 18

there she goes

omg!!! i made five spice chicken(wu xiang ji) for the first time ever, without a recipe, without a teacher, from scratch! and it tastes soooooo goood! WOW! mmmmmm..... mom and dad, you'll be so proud..

so it's official, i'm now of marriageable material.. yes, chinese men looking for future wives and a singaporean passport, you may send in your marriage proposals now...

meanwhile, i've been having conversations of the silliest degree:

me: yeah.. and the brain is beautiful, yada yadda yadda...
aaron: so it's supposed to be as big as the fist right?
me ....(incredulous)
aaron: oh wait, that's the heart...

weiyao: so i'm going to put a bid for the flat this thursday. i don't know how i'm going to do it, but i'm somehow going to tell the lady that i like her...
me: right, so i shouldn't be there right?
weiyao: yeah, you'll just spoil my mood..

kenneth: eh carol, what have you been telling the juniors about me huh?
me: why? what did they say to you?
kenneth: they're coming over later and they think my flat is going to be really neat and clean and that i am going to prepare wonderful food for them to eat.
me: WHAT? i don't remember telling them any of that.. i would NEVER praise you, kenneth.. i had probably said, ' kenneth is such a neat-freak, it's mad and obsessive and he's forced his poor flatmates into having to clean the kitchen and toilets...'

wise words from weiyao:

when women grow older, they appreciate men with character more, but when men grow older, they're still the SAMEEEE!

quotable quote of the week:

dr marshall, (while dissecting the brain, was pushing away the optic chaisma to reveal the trigeminal nerve): this optic chiasma is getting on my nerves...

and the usuals:

(at the bottom of kenneth's flat, while i'm buzzing for him to let me in)
kenneth: who's this?
me: MEeeee... carol
kenneth: ARGHHHH....
me: let me in!
kenneth: nO!
me: let me IN!!!
kenneth: what's the password?
me: arghs... kenneth is the best...

ahhh these men...

meanwhile, i'm getting cravings again... for theseeeeeeeeeeEEEEEE...

even though i've never tasted and never touched..... (despair) think it's a case of when the fantasy will always be so tantalising and perfect that everything else will seem to fall short of it...it's over-rated, some say... it's too sweet!.. others comment... but i, alas i, will never know... until my fantasy becomes reality (**hint hint)

so all yee chinese men out there, the way to carol's heart is through her krispykreme-shaped void...

meanwhile, glasgow is looking sooo very pwetty! autumn is here, and photos will follow shortly!

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