Thursday, December 8

goodbye with a bang!

my favourite pub

sigh.. it's the penultimate day in glasgow this term.. how sad! but not without a term-end party tonight, promises of much more partying, drinking, clubbing and gigging next year!!! (jack johnson in february!) wooo hoo! so maybe this holiday in singapore is a compound of three things:

1. sojourn from my busy hectic life these past 10 weeks
SMS (sick medic syndrome)
2. break to see family and friends who aren't in glasgow with me

3. pre-party calm so the party can go on when i return!

yes yes.. but all that said, it's been an eventful 10 weeks - medicine madness, medic mingling, good breakup, church spectacular (x 1 and a half churches), single spending frenzy, hospital life highs, capoeira coaxing, fine dining, london-loving and lana-lexing.... :) my idea of a good time. :)

well, this means singapore and hong kong will only have to be BETTER!

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