Sunday, May 10

miss madam

And she was one of those tropical blends
Soft to the touch and hard as steel rods.
She mixed the good and bad winds naturally,
Easily, affectionately.
And all who passed refreshed themselves
On the rays of her presence.
Her word-glue maintained the lives interwoven
And her good cheer like warm liquid to the ear.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

meanwhile, i've just been reminded by circumstances recently that having an opinion is better than not having an opinion. and it has been a slow trickle of blogs of late. perhaps it's because it's been a slow trickle of me of late. am i becoming less and is something (someone) else becoming more? i suppose getting the right looming personality looming would be of utmost importance. or maybe it is just because i have just chosen to keep my opinions and expressions and musings bottled up inside where noone will find because noone holds the key. my limited (but growing) knowledge of myself whispers that it is the latter. cryptic cryptogenic cryptosporidium cryptorchidism.

"To warn, to comfort, and command;
And yet a Spirit still, and bright
With something of angelic light."

she did


Nora said...

wow. what a stunning poem.

i'm forgetting how to write... but i'm learning to live life without having to find therapy in writing. it's good.

how are you?

princesscarol said...

hahahaha!!!!! i doubt such a venture would work out for me!

i phone u one of these evenings!


Nora said...

Once you hit Brighton and fall into the beautiful quiet lull of small city life - you'll know what I'm talkin about... xxx