fast balls, fast cars and scissor curry rice
i FINALLY GOT TO SEE CHANG-U today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it was suuuuuuuuch a bright sunny day today... the day when the sun was frying ants off the concrete, scorching puddles off the road and boring down into our skin cells, mutating the DNA within the nucleus, was the day eric booked tennis courts at 330pm in the afternoon and invited us all to play.
tennis was a blast.. literally.. eric, raphael, you an, mel teng and sarah were there. while eric and raphael were blasting 10000m/s balls at each other, i was busy trying to master my top-spin/bottom-spin... yup yup.. i'm improving! woo hooo! and the guys were saying i've got really good psycho-motor skills and were well impressed a badminton player can play tennis this well! *beam* aren't i a smarty? but yesh... i was honestly quite impressed at the guys' tennis skills today..
anyway, rushed home all baked and brown, took a quick shower and got headed on out to meet chang-u and the rest at forture.. it's zhengyan's farewell dinner kindofthing... zy's still bugging me to speak to him in a scottish accent and everytime he tries to impersonate a scottish bloke, he ends up spouting a hodge-podge of indian, english and norwegian.. adorable. had a good laugh with the guys.. haha.. their group is quite a mix of characters, but altogether, they're just plain amusing... take this conversation for example:
zy: i'm sharing a room with this prc... i think it's fate...
me: a prc? as in a twin room or two single rooms?
zy: a twin room. as in two beds in one room.
me: omgoodness.. that's bad....
jo p: *bursts into mocking laughter* hahahah... your room...
zy: shaddup la you! bloody clk and bloody ranch..
cu: yeah man, dude, heard ur house in america is 3-4 times the size of your present house. (he lives in a bloody villa in singapore and has like 5+ cars, including a merc slk, a rolls royce+++)
me: WHAT?
zy: i hope you crash your car!
jo p: then i'll just buy a new one la!
zy: i hope you crash your car and u have to amputate one testicle or something!
jo p: f*** you la!
zy: then you'll be like (in a really high-pitched voice) 'oh! i'm so lucky i didn't take out the merc!'
me: ok, but at least he's a prc...
zy: yeah.. he can teach me math and i can teach him how to get the girls!! *gives a cheeky grin* then after that we'll not have anything to do with each other... i'll be like 'zihan, bi4 zhui3. bi4 zhui3. bi4 zhui3....'
