neutropenia, low platelets and low haemoglobin.
somethings i've learnt today:
no matter how thoroughly you think you have washed your hands after touching curry, do not attempt to put your contacts in.
it's not what you say, it's how you say it.
experience is the best way of getting round to things. and there is noone more experienced than the Creator of the universe. you just have to trust Him.
being a Christian has many side effects, including a peace and joy, no matter what the circumstances. it also entails carefree living. lots of lots of the point of delirium in some cases (eg. me) and it is precisely because of this that i feel Christians lose a sense of empathy. where has all my empathy gone? how do i counsel a bereaving friend? how do i talk to someone who is stressed to the point of anxiety? how can i say, "you will ride the storm", "these things are only temporal", "do not worry", etc etc...when there is a missing link that spans the two worlds of difference between the redeemed and the yet-to-be-redeemed. this is a toughie... but i guess this mental struggle for words should be left in the hands of the experienced One, who will put the words in our mouth (psalm 81)... this shouting from the mountain tops has to be a little more restrained, i feel. a little more catered to the individual, a little less of shouting sometimes, and more of gentle verses sprinkled in the conversation.
i left my brain in singapore. anaemia and leukamia isn't making sense at the mo.
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back to my old spot at the corner of the wolfson, behind the plastered wall. watched the rain today as i was doing my pbl, sitting in front of the computer, staring out into the street below... glasgow is lovely in the rain, as long as you're indoors and the heating is on.

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