now it seems no matter what i do, i can't seem to shake off how much i love this city... glasgow is so amazing, in so many ways i have never seen before. glasgow is like a shy beauty, the kind you have to take a second look at to go "WOW , you are so very lovely." and she just keeps getting better and better.
not been updating my blog of late cos i've been mega busy (what's new, you're asking).. what's new is, i've been put in charge with going out into the streets of glasgow to interview randoms! yes.. random passers-by are going to be film by yours truly in an attempt to capture the current paradigm of Christianty. all in the interest of the good people behind Glasgow Transfusion, which everyone can find out more about by going to !!!
my room is utterly messy right now.. there's:
1. dry clothes waiting to be taken off the hanger
2. clean clothes waiting to be ironed.
3. bags all over the floor
4. bin waiting to be emptied
5. clean socks - to be folden and kept
6. new consignment of bloomberg snacks waiting to be stashed
best of all - i'm too busy to bother... :) life's easy when you're laid back! haha.. mom, send the maid over please!
speaking of my latest consignment, it arrived in the post today!! for the first time today, i met the postman from royal mail instead of him coming round when i'm not in. which saved me a whole 40 minute walk to the nearer depot along clarence drive.. *phew* what did not get me was the parcel from tnt, containing my black strappy heels from singapore for my ball.. hopefully that'll be re-delivered by tomorrow morning...

God has, meanwhile, been at it again, blessing me. :) i love you too! and i'll need Him all the more now that He's put Glasgow Transfusion under my care... but yes, as aaron rightfully pointed out,
"And God is able to make all grace abound
to you, so that in all things at all times,
having all that you need, you will abound
in every good work." - 2 Corinthians 9:8