7 minutes
... and she thought she had the truth by the collar, she thought she knew truth through and through, inside to outside, she thought she lived truth and truth slept with her and whispered to her day by day. but then one day she awoke to find that truth had gone. truth had gone to sleep with another. and she was lost, and she was desperate for truth again. because the world was darkened and nothing made sense to her as it used to. so she searched the earth for truth, but truth was nowhere to be found.... and then the big man said to her, "sometimes the search for truth is more important that the truth itself." and she let that relative truth hang in her head for a while. she let it sink, she soaked it in, she half-bought it and she analysed it, never letting that relative truth get the better of her, for she was the wiser... and then she eventually accepted that the truth was a whisper in days like these and with acceptance came the responsibility of attaining the standards of the truth, the way and the life. and so she buckled it round her waist, and hope glittered her steps and her courage was blind faith. she knew not what lay ahead of her, but she knew she was going to be fine. :)

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