THE HAIR CONTEST results are out!
and now it's time for..... *drumroll* carol's annual
as most of you guys will know, i just got my luscious locks beautifully shorn by my much treasured hairdresser!!!!!! so let's play a little game... hee... whoever can guess which hairstyle is most similar to the one i'm sporting now will get a mystery prize!!! heh heh heh... anyway, i chose ayumi to be my hair model cos i realise she's one artiste who's gone through soo many different hair styles and hair colours.. she's definitely a girl with an image! okok.. so dear friends, leave your answer in the comments!!! meanwhile, i'm off to do as the japanese do and eat sushi with my daddy! (you don't have to be in rome to do as the romans do!)

i'm terribly disappointed!!! none of you got the correct answer!!!!!! which is....... B! (altho i was warm)
but that just goes to show i'm unpredictable, i'm super funky and i have coooool hair!!!
so i get to keep the prize and none of you will ever get to know what it is...... *evil laughter* but thanks to all for your participation!! is much 'preciated!
SARAHHHH says alphabet I!!!
cos carol's a closet bimbo. she's just waiting to unleash it out... hahhahahaah
when is the closing date?
it's erm.. either a or e or h or i.
haha i vote for E. or maybe H larh.
okay i think its E.
oi... i said B on your tagboard. so i win. what's the prize again? oh that's right - a trip to singapore!! funded by your poor boyfriend right?
nope!!! too bad you changed your choice!!! :p
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