malacca 2005
selamat jalan ke malacca!
(ok someone kill me if i mistook welcome for goodbye... and is it my imagination or is 'ke' = to?)
anyhow, i just got back from malacca!!! woo hoo!! i know i was kinda grumbling about having to accompany my family and extended family to malacca to most of you guys (since we've been there every year and stayed in the same hotel every time....) but what i took for bad, God turned into good!! praise Him, He's just been blessing me abundantly in soo many ways, it's great to be so loved!!
malacca was amaaazing this time round.. i've probably been there every year for the past few years with my family, but i've never appreciated it this much before..i don't know why.. maybe it's cause we actually had a malaysian tour guide to take us round! and the fact that i got to share a room with my cousin. anyways, here are the highlights of my trip!!
lots of cheap good eats: biscuits, fruits, peranakan food, and ikan bakar! (bbq fish) that bing3 that is at the top left hand corner is apparently only made once a year, in line with the mooncake fest. oh oh! and check out the size of those pao's! they're freakin massive!!
old skool!

an old shophouse.a gramophone.HMV.old skool fan.a coffee shop.chinese pillow(ouch).fruit stalls.i have no idea what this is.a stray dog that caught my eye in yong peng.
old skool!

an old shophouse.a gramophone.HMV.old skool fan.a coffee shop.chinese pillow(ouch).fruit stalls.i have no idea what this is.a stray dog that caught my eye in yong peng.
oh! and i found my new fravrite fruit!!!DRAGONFRUIT!! it's totally amazing... and it's PEEEEEENK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! apparently, they're starting out new plantations for it in malasia.. it's supposed to be really high in fibre, etc etc etc.. there are two kinds.. the one with the white meat (long2 zhu1 guo3) and the one with the red meat (long2 huo2 guo3).. lhg is slightly tastier and they can also be differentiated from their skins! hahahah..the red one is my new fravrite fruit everyone!! they even made it into a drink! and it comes in this ultra cute pink bottle... i finished a WHOLE fruit (~300g!!!) last night all on my own and my fingers were stained red in the process! (literally caught red handed.)
also, malacca was also the venue for the annual competition, the ultimate clash of the titans :
special powers:
bottomless stomach+insatiable appetite
da bao
saucy meaty chunks wrapped in a thick steamed bun (w egg)
and the winner this year is........*drumroll* da bao...... because i couldn't finish half of the da bao and had to tag team with mom....
:( there's always next year!!
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