Thursday, September 28

statistical bias

so.. amidst studying statistics, carol took the opportunity of boredom to surf for her good old friend's band on myspace.... and found it! and laughed at their lyrics and was very entertained for a while... she also reminisced of how anachronistic her wee drive to tesco, maryhill earlier that day in her colleague's car was... full on 70-80s classics blasting throughout byres road, queen margaret drive and maryhill... pure funny like.. she also found this interesting piece of news:

speaking for herself : it has come to my attention that non-Christians (and Christians who aren't born-again (whatever your intepretation of that may be...)) complain a lot more than Christians.. it's something that makes sense when you think about it, but something i've just recently noticed. hmmmm...and so... i shall take this opportunity to tell all you complainers out there that...

"God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing." - C.S. Lewis

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." - Jesus

yup yup yuppers... meanwhile, here are some snapshots of fun-tastic Christian idiocy :

unfortunately, there has been the recent exodus of the above-photographed-good-ginger-man from the glasgow crowd... :( we'll misssss you simmooonnnnnnnnn!!!!! xXxXxXxXxXxXxXx

Monday, September 18

a life less ordinary

after running away from this for the last few months, i have finally realised, to my unease... that life is settling into mediocrity again. it's funny how my life as of now seems more ordinary than it has ever been in the last few years... studying in the library at night, carrying groceries back in the rain, grilled chicken breasts, cream cleansers for toilet tiles, housewife pillows, scaling ladders, changing lightbulbs, hanging out the laundry, furniture catalogues, social novels, cooking for one, kitchen conversations : i have become the one thing that i have feared most of becoming... but at the same time, it seems my resistance is futile.

Tuesday, September 12

dancing in the freedom we know

the uni today

bounce with me.. because it is one of those moments. sleeping with monkeys, going in the buff, detuning and retuning, driving to swedish soils, unravelling a curtain lady, flipping swatches, climbing, walking, waxing (lyrical about epithets, portmanteaus, metonymy and eponyms) jogging, cooking... and dancing (lots of dancing!)... maybe i'm too settled or maybe i'm lost, but really, i am just putting things in their place. As You open my eyes to the work of Your hands. For what is the point if we do not give thanks to God?

so, back in glasgow and recreating my niche! la la la la la la la la la la la*
(*to the sound of the music in ur heart)

Sunday, September 3

butter makes it better

i reckon i've drank more in the last week than i have in the last 6 months... like for example last night...

what else i've been doing in my remaining days left in singapore...

  • hanging out loads with the craziest bunch of girls...

shen! (who will be misrepresented by a hamster until she passes me her photos...)

junice... everyone loves a junice.

prissssssssss! i'll love you foreverr!!!!

  • skirting around a lot (and being terribly vain)

  • packing (not so fun)

  • eating butofcourse... because deep down inside there is a stomach.

  • disturbing the peace of every public place we're at...
these include : lavender street market, a spiritual-yoga-zen-themed cafe, the new NUS law faculty, Tampines basketball courts, etc...
  • playing silly drinking games (please click here for Lester's amazing drinking game!...and when i say here, i don't mean here.. or here.. or here..)
what can i sayyy... carol is living it up real hard with everyone here in singapore. what more can i ask for? great friends, great food, great banter. sleep? who has time for that.. (sharing a bed with two other people is not advisable.. especially when we go to sleep when the sun comes up) money? we thrive on a communism-based fraternity.. down to the last S$2... (right, pris?) medicine, law and our careers? (a good research team is based on their ability to hypothesize... and we have ours... *drumrolll........* 'The Right Hand is Slower than the Left'.)
it's okay if you don't get it. you're not meant to... you just had to be there...