Sunday, December 31


it's no wonder...

and these are a few of my favourite things (that i have been indulging in of late):

  • burying my nose in books
  • watching a significant no of films (11 films in 14 days)
  • going for walks on the beach and stuff
  • travelling to northern shores
  • trimming ferrets
  • playing poker (and winning rather ruthlessly... *evil laughter of a wud-be-rich girl*)
  • blinding cows
  • burying myself in my sea of thoughts

watching a significant no of films :
has been a very thought-provoking experience for me. it's the brilliant geniousity of geniuses i allow myself to be taken in by, rather than subscribing to the hackneyed contrivings of the mediocre.. so yes, mr. e, i am quite happy sitting in my palace of elitists, intellectuals and lofty attainments... worry u not about the length of my hair, for i am in no need of rescue. i shall prove u wrong cos i so lurve a challenge.... (as if u didn't already know that ;P)....

reading... for i oft wander in wonder at wonderment of wonder.

right.. enough of this grandiose garrulousity and prodigious verbosity, i hear u cry, o wearied reader...

photos of my trip up north to the crazy country of the nooks and crannies, neeps and tatties...

the simpson's farm
losing a dog in a shelter home full of old people was a very memorable experience! (running in and out of rooms full of wizened, elderly people on their tripods and armchairs, calling 'kirsty, kirsty!')

scotland is beautiful

at the heart of winter
my kind of beautiful place

venturing into... hell's luuuuummmppp... ooooooooooo

Wednesday, December 27

a christmas carol

sometimes we need that comfortable silence.
in the midst of the people and mirth and the festive goodwill,
that familiar presence,
in the back of the mind, mid-conversation, at the core of our being, it exists, waxing, then waning, but

the familiar one calls to you, longs for you, speaks to you.

and slowly but surely, she unravels (not unsurely) and yields.
and in that dialogue, she realises (years) that the conversation is never-ending.. and its potential: limitless as Heaven's power...

She looks, and slowly, she sees,
that the greatest mystery of all, is unfolding in her life. a great love, a great Grace, like a blanket of snow, fills her inner being and breaks forth joy,
like the sun.
a helpless, scared, trepidating light,

but not without peace.

"And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit." - Ephesians 2:22

Tuesday, December 19


oh... loookie what pete has in his hand... the ticket to carol's happiness....

so yes.. continuing on from my last post, i would just like to add more photographic evidence to the pool... the fact is that the season of partying is here. :)

a tribute to the legend last night:

mr legend did make us wait a wee while...
let it be known, from this day forth, that carol's love for the legend knows no bounds...

Friday, December 15

strictly come dancing

ceilidh, ceilidh, ceilidh!

it's alll about the chat, really.... nothing is complete without the banter.. i know i say this tOOOoo much, and i know if u google my blog, the word 'banter' probably appears more than 500 times, but i just cannot emphasize how great the craic has been of late...

this can be attributed to the following reasons...

  • carol loves dancing
  • proper, sweaty, scottish ceilidh (there have been many of late...) and a good ol game of knights, horses and cavaliers.
  • immunology students kick ass!!! (big time)
  • carol's rnb club rules. (both meanings)

mmmm... carol loves a man who can dance.

the side effects of having great craic...
  • coming home smelling of weed (don't worry mom, didn't touch the stuff!)
  • coming home at 330 am in the morning absolutely shattered and having to be up in 4 hours
  • coming home at 2am the next night even more shattered
  • having to do the same tonight
  • seeing drunk medics immersed in debauchery
  • having to look after drunk friends with lowered *ahem* inhibitions

the joys of immunology.

the joys of the celts

mad mad mads's

meanwhile, conversation topics have been of a seriously diverse scope of late... 5 hours today at mads's was EPIC.... carol loves like-minded people... who not necessarily have to share the same morality or perspectives on things, but who has a mind which thinks in the same way as mine....

carol loves intellectual fodder... mmmmmm.....

Sunday, December 10

Run, run, run, run... in the right way, toward the right goal.

On being a Christian medic:
There is the risk of being prideful and elitist, but there is also the milieu of being surrounded by complete idiots, incompetency, inefficiency and utter oblivious-scatter-brained-pod-scum-of-bottomdweller-scum-phytoplankton-scum people...... GRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrr...

beware the contempt of a very organised medical student.

meanwhile, carol is in need of the banter of another very-busy-person who can understand the frustration, isolation and support that is needed by a miserable very-busy-person.

indeed, misery loves company.

on a less miserable note,
i love amalgamating with a certain eponymous character (oh, i love how this is so apt!) and a certain other southpark-ish character... meetings most oft take place at night, most oft banter-full and absolutely wonderful. :)

Monday, December 4


behold... i have found... the new BLANKET...

i say, glasgow, u dark horse...