Saturday, February 3


my guitar string broke,

but then… a revelation, like the light around…: I long to be where the praise is never ending!!!

for this must be a taste of what heaven will be like! for you are a loving Father, and how often we human beings forget that! caught up in our own little worlds of darkness and dirty rags… but Father! this is what You must have meant when You provide us with the tools for us to come closer to You! and in YOUR PERFECT AND HOLY PLAN. which is good and PLEASING! OH MY WORD… PLEASING! for how often do we want to tally longer in a place as beautiful as THIS!!! I don’t ever want to leave this place, this stand, this status! but the fact is…I WAS NEVER ANYWHERE ELSE, I was just blinded by my own hands!


muacks! thank you Daddy!

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