Tuesday, March 20

the recent demise of the beautiful

easter wanderings

how do we know the things we do without first experiencing our lack of understanding on ideas we had yet to perceive? is wisdom something that is gained from a certain regression, followed by the subsequent realisation that we need to be taking hold of the opportunity that failure provides? no, for sometimes we are given the knowledge without prior realisation we were never aware of it. but perhaps we retain the information better, post-self-directed-climbing-up-after-a-fall.
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i don't know how i landed myself in this muse, but i do know that i am missing people...
and i guess if i didn't lose them in the first place, i wouldn't have known how much they meant to me.


Anonymous said...

human wisdom is knowing what you don't know, and steering a path between mistakes.

princesscarol said...

dear anonymous,

u are so wise... but isn't that what i said, no? but playing devil's advocate for a while, how fun would it be to fall into those mistake-puddles from time to time and get everyone else wet??!!?? not very, actually.. come to think about it. and sometimes wisdom gets thrown out the window cos jumping in puddles is funnnnn! no??but hey, i've come up with such a beautiful analogy! i'm GOOOOoooodd...anyhow, anonymous, i reckon you're not only wise, but also EPON! am i rite, am i rite?