Tuesday, March 6

all things blue and beautiful.

i've been having an obsession with blue of late...

right, okay.. the long overdue post of vindication :


just a passing thought:

how much are we moulded by the visual stimuli we perceive? a lot, i reckon....


Cal Bar said...

How much are we shaped by the people around us is also an interesting qyuestion. I think you have shaped me alot carol cos you always feed me and now i'm really really fat and round. Thanks :(
P.s I spelt question wrong but if you say it it sounds the same. Who cares about rules and spelling. Lets change the world man and find random insignificant things to protest against like long sleeved t shirts . Yaeh man

princesscarol said...

yo dudes, i'm so happy i can contribute to your well-roundedness. i think we should indeed take a stand and make glasgow a betta place. i think we should start with our wednesday crusades.... we can't be like the last crusade in indie jones, we need to reach out, not live alone in a cave.. peaceeee braah. all da love